Episode 6 - Beyond Knowledge

Episode 6 - Beyond Knowledge

 The Visioneers International Network

is the current project of the

International Foundation of Learning,

a Canadian charity, 

Charitable Registration Number

892185448 RR0001.

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‍Hello Visitor,

We are pleased to send you the sixth episode from global thought leaders on our journey of Extraordinary Wisdom.  We are now beginning the second half of our journey in which the messages will focus on practical action already being taken or projected in order to secure safe passage for humanity into a peaceful sustainable future.


In Episode 6 we bring you the expertise and wisdom of Dr. William Halal who is recognized as one of the top 100 futurists in the world.  Through his forecasting company called Tech Cast he has developed an understanding and forecasts of a major transition taking place in human affairs in the decade of the 2020s from an Age of Knowledge to an Age of Consciousness.  He shows how the human system on the planet has evolved over millennia to become a global species in knowledge and complexity but is now being challenged to mature into global consciousness.


Dr. Halal is Professor Emeritus at George Washington University in Washington DC, USA and has degrees in engineering and technology from Purdue University and the University of California at Berkeley.  His latest book, Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is Driving an Age of Consciousness has been hailed as “a highly original exploration of the next stage in human evolution.”


With Episode 6 of the Wisdom Journey we are also including Episodes 11 and 12 of the Visioneers Audio Theatre in which the United Nations becomes part of the action.  The Visioneers story is a powerful complement to the wisdom of the global thought leaders.  Together they will engage your mind as you consider what role you are meant to play in this unfolding real life story that all of us are experiencing in these first decades of the 21st century.


The overarching purpose of the Wisdom Journey of 10 episodes we are bringing you (one every two weeks) is for you to consider as we go your own stories and examples of worthy people and projects that you can nominate to become part of the Visioneers Virtual Expo of a Web of Good Work https://thevisioneers.ca/virtual-expo, and for you to consider creating a Visioneers Leadership Circle https://thevisioneers.ca/events/waging-peace/visioneers-leadership-circles-event-handout in your own community of positive action contributing to a peaceful sustainable future.


Through this process we are helping to build Humanity’s Golden Peace https://thevisioneers.ca/activities/wisdom/humanitys-golden-peace, which the thought leaders are calling for.  This is a high order journey of meaning and importance for the world on which we are embarked together.  We encourage you to invite your friends and colleagues to join us as we go.  Each episode is being posted to the website https://thevisioneers.ca/activities/wisdom/extraordinary so that people can join at any time and see what has come before.


We are excited to know that you have joined us on this journey and we look forward with anticipation to what we can do together.


Here is the link to this stop on the journey.



With every good wish in all that you do,

Gerri and Desmond

Geraldine Schwartz PhD
Desmond Berghofer, PhD
Visioneers International Network
Visioneers International Network
International Foundation of Learning
International Foundation of Learning
