In Episode 3, Dr. Jane Goodall DBE, gives us answers through her extraordinary life’s work and the wisdom she developed along the way.
Episode 3
Acting for a Thriving Future
Messenger of Hope
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute
United Nations Messenger of Peace
In Episodes 1 and 2, Willis Harman and Ervin Laszlo gave us the vision of a future world that has undergone a global mind change from today’s thinking, embracing a planetary consciousness that recognizes the fundamental unity of all things, including a human family rich with diversity but without the concept of separation, and living in harmony with the natural world.
It’s a grand vision, but the question remains of how we get there from where we are today.
In Episode 3, Dr. Jane Goodall DBE, gives us an answer to that question through her extraordinary life’s work and the wisdom she developed along the way.
In her early work in 1960, Jane was mentored and supported by paleoanthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey to study the behaviour of chimpanzees in the forests of Gombe National Park in Tanzania in Africa. She made the ground-breaking scientific discovery that chimpanzees had the ability to make and use tools, a capability thought to be limited to human beings. Her discovery brought her to the attention of the National Geographic Society who supported and publicized her work. She later earned a PhD in Ethology from Cambridge University in 1966 and continued her field studies of the chimpanzees in Africa, becoming an internationally acclaimed scholar and speaker.
Through her work in the field, she became aware of the degradation of African forests through the activity of growing human populations in local villages and surrounding areas. She created the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977 and in the late 1980s launched the TECARE project to educate and support local populations in living sustainably on their land. The philosophy and methodology underlying this project holds great promise as a model for the rest of the world to learn to live sustainably on the planet.
Jane Goodall is the author of many books. Two of the most recent speak to her contribution as Visioneers Heroine of Humanity in uplifting prospects for a sustainable future for the world. Local Voices, Local Choices tells the story of the TECARE project, and The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times expresses her indomitable human spirit and realistic hope for current and future generations to build a thriving future for humanity and all life on the planet.

Jane Goodall is also a champion for youth. In 1991 she founded Roots and Shoots as an organization to give young people hope and hands-on experience for conducting projects of sustainability. There are now many thousands of Roots and Shoots chapters in 65 countries and the alumni of more than thirty years provide an army of people to lead the changes the world so badly needs.
In the following video Jane Goodall is interviewed by Visioneeers Visionary Leader, David Lorimer, and together they will inspire you with the wisdom and achievements of one of the world’s great heroines for creating a positive future.
Press the play button to begin.
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You have heard the extraordinary wisdom of Dr. Jane Goodall DBE, Visioneers Heroine of Humanity
To complement your experience, listen now to Episodes 5 and 6 of the Visioneers Audio Theatre as the Visioneers struggle through their first challenges and make room for a miracle to happen.
To listen to the audio Theatre click here. Audio Theatre