What is a Visioneers Leadership Circle?
- A group of 3 or more people willing to treasure hunt in their community to look for and nominate outstanding people worthy of a Visioneer award across 11 categories of human activity https://thevisioneers.ca/virtual-expo
- Turn the lens on their own community to find exceptional good work and positive solutions to humanity’s existential problems and tell us about it and we will post it on our Wall of Stories https://thevisioneers.ca/sdgs
- Do a good work project of your own

Enter the Visioneers International Expo...
Showcasing the best of our humanity
How do I create a Visioneers Leadership Circle?
- Choose your leadership group of three or more people.
- Join the Visioneers https://thevisioneers.ca/join.
- Come together to start personally or virtually to turn the lens to your own community, tell each other good stories of good work in your own community, or go out and find them.
- Connect with us to register your Visioneers Leadership Circle (your name, city, country and contact email).
- Begin your learning adventure together by watching Visioneers Launch Waging Peace: Building Humanity’s Golden Peace.
- Watch together the follow up episodes of global thought leaders.
- Write up your stories of good work and send them to us at info@thevisioneers.ca. In this way you will become an active part of a cohort of leaders and changemakers giving you, your work, and your community a global reach.
The Visioneer Wall of Stories are Connected to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Humanity's Golden Peace

Humanity’s Golden Peace is the safe harbour we need to deliver positive, creative solutions to the existential crises we face.
The overarching statement about the meaning of Golden Peace includes the absence of war, and much more.
It includes creating a safe harbour where:
- Maternity hospitals are safe for mother and child.
- Schools from nurseries and kindergarten to grade 12 to universities are places where students feel safe to pursue learning and make friendships and where bullying of any kind is unacceptable.
- Workplaces are safe and free of discrimination.
- Justice, diversity, truth telling and following the rule of law are honoured.
- The disabled, the elderly, and the poor are treated with respect and nurtured to contribute.
- Governments are chosen by a free and protected vote of the people.
- Human rights, including the rights of women, Indigenous people, and people of different beliefs, races, and sexual orientations are respected.
- Looking after the Earth, the air, the water, ourselves, each other and ensuring that all living creatures are respected is the prime underlying requirements of peace everywhere.
Looking after the Earth, the air, the water, ourselves, each other and ensuring that all living creatures are respected is the prime underlying requirements of peace everywhere.
The Visioneers International Network multigenerational team is diverse and inclusive, spanning six continents, all age groups, and walks of life. It includes people from many lived experiences and cultural stories that brings out the best in the new future we would like to create. This moves the global moral compass from conflict and competition to kindness, compassion, justice, cooperation, and collaboration on a thriving, prosperous and sustainable planet. It supports the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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