The Visioneers present progress on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Visioneers are taking action towards achieving the Goals!

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Visioneers demonstrate progress towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Click an icon in the grid at the top of the page.

Wayne Kines
J. Frederick Arment
Adil Kassam
Tai Uhlmann
Stefan Rokem
Mark Fenster
Michael Ableman
Geraldine Schwartz
Arthur Kanegis
Irena Ateljevic

The Visioneers International Network progresses towards achieving all UN Sustainable Development Goals

The foundation for development of the SDGs was Dr. Robert Muller, a Visioneer Hero of Humanity and former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.

The presentation below is a Wall of Progress representing achievement towards the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. Click the Play button to start. Robert is heard playing the Ode to Joy on his harmonica.

Image of Robert Muller on the harmonica
Image of Robert Muller on the harmonica
Image of Robert Muller on the harmonica

Following the building of the Wall of Progress, click the Progress in Summary button to view a graph showing progress for each SDG by Visioneers efforts. Click the Progress in Detail button to view a listing of Visioneers and their contributions.