Three decades ago, Dr. Willis Harman, world renowned futurist, made the profoundly important case of the need to respond with a shift in global consciousness.

Episode 1

Global Mind Change

Dr. Willis Harman

Three decades ago, Dr. Willis Harman, world renowned futurist, made the profoundly important case, with incredibly accurate foresight, of the need to respond with a shift in global consciousness to manifesting global crises, which have only increased in seriousness in our time.  He described this in his book Global Mind Change.


He called for a change in global consciousness by which he meant a change in personal awareness of people across the planet in the thinking, beliefs, feelings and values that guide humanity’s behaviour.

This stop on the journey also introduces Episodes 1 and 2 of the Visioneers Audio Theatre based on the novel by Dr. Desmond Berghofer called The Visioneers: A Courage Story about Belief in the Future written around the same time as Global Mind Change.  Dr. Harman endorsed The Visioneers with this testimonial included on the back cover of the book: 

“The visioneering concept is truly world transforming in potentiality. . .

Through the medium of an engrossing novel, you have given us

a fantastic tool.”




So we are ready to begin the journey.  To start, press the Play button.

Click here for a transcript of this episode.

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You have seen and heard the standing ovation given to Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations by a Vancouver audience of children and youth and their parents and teachers.  This is a fitting conclusion to Dr. Harman’s extraordinary wisdom and foresight in which he told us that current generations must embrace a new kind of global consciousness in order to create a peaceful sustainable future. 

You will remember from the introduction above that Dr. Harman endorsed the novel by Desmond Berghofer, The Visioneers, as a “fantastic tool” to guide humanity on a safe passage into the future.  Now, you can begin to listen to the first 2 episodes of the Visioneers Audio Theatre to participate in the building of the global vision being called for in these episodes of Extraordinary Wisdom by global thought leaders.

To begin the Audio Theatre, click here Audio Theatre