The wisdom we have heard is meant to inspire action on creating the whole new transformative future for humanity that lies ahead.
Episode 10
Waging Peace
Guidance From the Wisdom Keepers
on How We Win the Peace
We have arrived at the destination stop on our Journey of Extraordinary Wisdom. This does not mean the end of the story we are weaving. Far from it. For the wisdom we have heard is meant to inspire action on creating the whole new transformative future for humanity that lies ahead.
However, this stopping point allows us to catch our breath and review all that we have heard. With so much to take in, it’s hard to keep it all front of mind. So that is what Episode 10 is intended to do, to present in one episode the essence of the wisdom we have received so that we can put it all together in our minds to guide our next steps in action.
The thought leaders we have introduced in this series of Extraordinary Wisdom are truly remarkable human beings who have devoted their lives to helping us get through and play our part in what Jean Houston calls “the greatest transition drama that the world has ever seen.” Let us meet them again here.

Visioneers Hero of Humanity

Institute of New Paradigm Research

Founder Jane Goodall Institute
United Nations Messenger of Peace

Visioneers Heroine of Humanity

Human Potential Movement

George Washington University

Scientific and Medical Network

Visioneers Hero of Humanity

International Cities of Peace

Age Nation
Prepare now to hear the cumulative wisdom of these global thought leaders tightly woven together to guide us on the road ahead, and at the end decide how to act to move forward on the urgent agenda they have laid out.
Press the play button to begin.
Click here for a transcript of this episode
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To complement your experience listen now to Episodes 19 and 20 of the Visioneers Audio Theatre where the story reaches its inspirational conclusion as the world comes together as never before in a resounding Congress of the Global Mind. It is a taste of what we can look forward to in the real world of the future if we raise our game to the level called for by our wisdom keepers.
To listen to the Audio Theatre click here. Audio Theatre