Leslie Clark

Founder, Nomad Foundation, Artist, Explorer
Agadez, Niger
Leslie Clark
Personal Achievement Award
Winner (2019)
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Leslie Clark, founder of the Nomad Foundation, is an artist whose career has always included travel. After obtaining her master of fine arts degree from George Washington University she traveled to France for her first exhibition. Since then she has traveled and painted searching for new perspective and old wisdom.

Her first trip to Niger in 1993, was to look for exotic subject matter. She found that and a lot more. A chance meeting with Wodaabe nomads took her on a path that changed her life. After visiting this nomadic family the second time a year later and seeing the poverty they lived in, she decided to give them a gift of $200. On her return the next year the family explained that with the gift they had purchased a cow and because of that they were able to remain nomadic. The realization that this relatively small sum could transform a family’s life made her realize that she could make a difference.

In 1996 she opened the Nomad Gallery in Ojai, California to show her paintings of Africa along with the work of African artisans. The goal of the gallery is to tell the story of the indigenous people she paints and to help them support themselves selling the things they produce.

In 1997 she started the Nomad Foundation seeking to balance economic opportunity and cultural tradition. Helping people support themselves using skills they already possess. Cultural exchanges, bringing African musicians to the US to increase awareness of the beauty of the music and art forms have also raised funds for the projects. The foundation has always tried to work with the local populations to decide what it is they need and want to improve their lives. Today the projects include nomadic schools, wells, women’s co-operatives, microcredit, cereal banks, health and nutritional support for people and animals. The experiences in all these areas have led her to their consolidation at the Tamesna Center for Nomadic Life.

As a result of her experience with the nomadic cultures and their terrain she has been sought as an advisor and guide on four National Geographic films in 1997 and 2005.

She was awarded the David Lloyd Kreeger first award in painting from George Washington University in 1984, has exhibited her paintings widely in the US, Europe and Africa, received the B’nai Brith Humanitarian award in 2004, Living Treasure of Ojai in 2007, and has been an honorary Rotarian in Ojai 2006-10. She is a founding member of the Agadez Rotary club, the first in the Sahara, founded in 2006.

In 2004 she started Nomad Adventures, Inc. to bring employment to her Tuareg partners, to take humanitarian expeditions to visit and benefit the projects and to share the beauty of the cultures and landscapes of the Sahara Desert.

She has made her home half time in Agadez, Niger since 2004.

