The Web of Good Work will grow as Visioneers around the world hear about its positive agenda and recognize its potential to make a difference.  Please copy either of the draft messages below to your clipboard and send out to like-minded others with your own personal endorsement, and encourage them to pass it on to others they know.

Short Form

(to a potential Visioneer) 

Dear Potential Visioneer:

I want to tell you about an exciting project that I have just joined, which I believe can make a valuable contribution to improving future prospects on Earth.

This interesting organization is called The Visioneers Web of Good Work and Virtual Expo  

Their mission is to celebrate and showcase outstanding human achievement on a local and global level through a Web of Good Work and Virtual Exposition to empower people to connect, collaborate, and build a global community of changemakers wherever they live.

They recognize that there are millions of people around the world doing good work for humanity and the Earth. They call these people Visioneers. They have created the Visioneers International Network as a global platform to connect Visioneers with each other and showcase their work on a Virtual Exposition called the Web of Good Work 

This initiative has enormous potential to proclaim and expand the good work being done around the world by like-minded individuals by connecting them together so that they can mentor one another to expand and replicate good work projects anywhere in the world.

This organization was founded by long-time leaders for a better future, Dr. Desmond Berghofer (Des) and Dr. Geraldine Schwartz (Gerri), of Vancouver, Canada. The project is based on Desmond’s 1992 novel The Visioneers: A Courage Story about Belief in the Future. The novel describes how the world can be brought together around a vision for a peaceful, sustainable future, and now Desmond and Gerri have launched a global project that can turn the fictional story into reality. 

When you respond to this invitation you will be able to join the network for a very small fee and if this is not manageable click on the complimentary option.  As a bonus for joining, Desmond and Gerri are providing the opportunity to download the Visioneers Audio Theatre, which consists of 20 thirty-minute episodes of high-drama story-telling and commentary made by them when The Visioneers story was first published. You can listen to this at your convenience on any mobile device or computer.

When you join the network, you are asked to create a profile for yourself describing your own contribution to good work or the ideas you have for work in the future. You can then be in touch with outstanding individuals and their projects of good work.   Use key words in your profile to peruse your impressive fellows already on the network.  For example,,, etc..  

Getting Started

There are a few simple steps to get started

  • Open the Visioneers website in your browser
  • Explore the rich content, especially the Virtual Exposition of good work
  • Follow the prompts to Act Now to join and become part of this global community 
  • Create your profile for display on the website
  • Click on Audio Theatre to get your free download. 
  • Continue browsing the website and connect with projects and people in your area of interest on the Virtual Exposition.
  • You will be welcomed to the community and offered help if you need it.  

Invite Like-Minded Others to Join
Once you have experienced for yourself the benefits of membership, you are asked to pass the opportunity on to others in your network, who, like yourself, want to have a positive impact on the future. You can do so by forwarding this message or by clicking on Invite Others on the right hand sidebar on your profile page.

Can you imagine the positive impact the Visioneers Web of Good Work will have as it grows and reaches its full potential to combat the negative smog now pervading the human psyche through all media channels.  

We encourage you to join now at

Begin by listening to this 90 second video 




Long Form

(to be sent to nominees for an award)


I have recently received an award for my lifetime achievement in Community Well-Being and the Arts, from a very interesting organization called The Visioneers Web of Good Work and Virtual Expo whose mission is...

To celebrate and showcase outstanding human achievement on a local and global level through a Web of Good Work and Virtual Exposition to empower people to connect, collaborate, and build a global community of changemakers wherever they live.

The Visioneers International Network and Web of Good Work is a future-oriented organization focused on building quality relationships between leaders and changemakers across the whole spectrum of human activity, who want to make a real on-the-ground difference in improving the way humanity evolves toward goodness.

The Visioneers Network provides the next generation global platform to connect people and to make their contributions accessible across barriers of every kind, nature, age, ethnicity, etc.

As you can see by perusing the Connect pages that introduces the people already on the platform, they are an impressive group and I am proud to be among them   Here is a link to my fellow Visioneers

Once you become a Visioneer, you are asked to consider who among the people you know, or know of, deserves to be included, and to nominate other exceptional people for an award. 

Or just consider people in your network of friends and colleagues whose values make them Visioneers, even if they are not yet ready for an award.

It is therefore my pleasure to invite you to become a Visioneer and I have nominated you for an award in the category/corridor of _______ in the Virtual Expo Web of Good Work  Here are some of the people in your Virtual Expo Corridor _____. eg: 

Have a look at the Visioneer site and let me know if you would be willing to accept this award and this honour. If you accept, you will be asked to help put up your profile (see sample) and Tatiana will help you do whatever is needed.

Of all the things I consider important at this time, two things stand out:

  1. Making new friends whose company I value
  2. Spending time within quality relationships in a positive heart-centred experience

The Visioneer project offers both and I hope you will accept my nomination

With Respect,