Personal Achievement Award
Winner (2017)
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Michael is an organic farmer, author, photographer, and urban and local food systems advocate. His home and farm is located on Salt Spring Island in the southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia, Canada, where he founded the Center for Arts, Ecology and Agriculture. Michael is an international lecturer on the benefits of alternative agriculture to overcome problems associated with industrial agriculture, and has written several trade-related books on the subject. In 2010 he was asked what he might be able to do to grow food on vacant, discarded land in an impoverished area of downtown Vancouver in Canada and provide employment for the people living there. He founded Sole Food Street Farms, which has been an outstanding success in providing food and employment in the community (See entry for Sole Food Farms under Projects). Michael stands tall in his vision and achievements in promoting the production of good, healthy food for the planet and as a model for entrepreneurial spirit for a better future.