Enacting Transformative Justice to Re-story Our Humanity

Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022
Rama Mani

Watch this Performance-ARTelier-Seminar of enacted Testimonies of Transformative Justice drawn from real experiences in crisis areas on all continents. Feel transported by the soul-stirring music of peace and justice.

Step into the real lives of victims, survivors and perpetrators who transformed injustice into integral potential. Then, step on stage yourself, to embody the theatre of transformation process.

Experience the power of enacting transformative justice in your own lives and in our world, emerge as Revitalized Co-Authors and Actors of a new Common Story of HUmaNITY on Earth.

This session was convened on Friday July 15, 2022 by Theatre of Transformation Academy and Home for Humanity in partnership with The Visioneers International Network and Truth & Reconciliation.
