This first book by Lessem & Schieffer, introducing an integrated approach to leadership and management, is considered to be one of the most significant innovations in the functions of business since Peter Drucker in the 1950s.
The concept of transformation has long been known to the sciences and has been around in the popular vocabulary for several decades. Because it has never been fully developed as a managed process and applied to our organizations, the way in which we have been trying to deal with the complex issues we face today is looking increasingly inadequate.
Transformation Management, argue Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer, the authors of this inspirational book, now provide the opportunity for the application of the first significant worldwide innovation in the way we manage since Drucker put management itself on the map in the 1950s. In a book that draws on seminal theses and practical examples from the four corners of the world, Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer provide leaders, students of leadership, managers and change agents with a trans-culturally tested, integrated approach to leadership and management.
Only through a redefinition of what leadership, management and entrepreneurship amount to, say the authors, can organisations be transformed into sustainable enterprises capable of dealing with the burning issues of our time. Leaders are coming to realise that it is no longer possible for organisations to operate in any sort of isolation from the society and the wider world in which they exist, but paying lip service to notions of either social responsibility or globality is not good enough.
From this indispensable book, those whose enterprises are to have any hope of becoming authentically socially responsible or authentically global will learn to understand and activate the process that dynamically links any organization with the society in which it is embedded and that links the local with the global. The practice of transformation management is about creating real value… for organisations, people, and society.
This book makes that practice possible.