Each One Teach One
How It Works
- Each student and class instructor will receive a login code associated with their email address. Prior to the launch of the pilot program, return to this page and use your login code to register and set up your account.
- Instructors will have the opportunity to review the curriculum in detail and customize it for their own class.
- When the date for the first class arrives, students can log in, view and study the class content, and respond to instructions and questions presented by the class instructor. The instructor can then review all student submissions online.
- Instructors can get a head start on this process by reviewing the course content now, available at https://thevisioneers.ca/the-waging-peace-project/start-your-journey. Each episode consists of introductory text and a video presentation. Episodes 1 through 11 also include a video transcript.
Suggested Course Structure
In order to achieve the understanding of what global citizenship means and to crack the current paradigms of reality firmly anchored in the generations now living, we need to integrate the teaching of thinking into the knowledge we provide on global citizenship in a seamless manner. Most critically, we need to change the learning model from passively remembering facts (primary level) to actively incorporating this knowledge into our thinking (secondary level) and acting to apply this knowledge to acts of good work (tertiary level).

The “each one teach one” method described below achieves this goal:
- Presents new knowledge for mastery
- Creates opportunity for discussion on the meaning of what has been presented
- Provides the opportunity to apply the new knowledge to Acts of Good Work within the student’s community, making it relevant to their age group's particular culture
The three questions below are provided before listening to each episode for discussion:
- What is the meaning of the key teaching in this episode?
- How does this new learning apply to your own community?
- What are some applications of this wisdom to acts, projects or programs in your community?
In the last century, schools worldwide have successfully achieved almost global-scale literacy by assembling groups of learners in classes of 30 (plus or minus) and using front-of-the-room lecture style presentation to teach Reading, Writing, Spelling, Math and the Humanities (grades 1–12). They have, in this way, succeeded in changing the brains and potential of every literate person. This is a magnificent legacy of teachers wherever they live and work.
At this moment in time change is occurring so rapidly that no one can expect ongoing stable conditions even within decades.
This makes it difficult for parents to use their own life experience to guide their children or for teachers to continue teaching the primary skills that are part of our traditional training without change. Teachers are now asked to rise to this challenge.
To paraphrase Einstein, a new type of thinking at higher secondary and tertiary levels is the essential skill we need to address the complex multicrises we now face.
This is especially true for the generation of young people now in school.
The Council of Ministers of Education of Canada have therefore added a new sixth Competency to the five skills required for high-school graduation and eligibility for a university entrance credential.
These six competencies are:
- Learning to learn
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Innovation and creativity
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Global citizenship and sustainability These are secondary-level skills.
The application of these skills to actual actions involves tertiary-level skills. These include creative problem solving that provides novel multilevel solutions to very complex interwoven problems, and the ability to work effectively in teams as a collaboratory. This kind of learning as a specific part of curricula in high school or undergraduate university is still rare. For this reason,
pilot studies and the development of curricula on this topic are important.
What follows are two sections to provide context to this course as suggestions to the faculty.
- Humanity's Neuroplastic Brain: How learning changes the brain now primed for higher-order thinking
- Teaching Higher-Order Thinking Skills as a curricular integrated approach in becoming a global citizen.
In the case of the Course of Global Citizenship the "Knowledge" is set out as
A Journey of Extraordinary Wisdom
where each wisdom keeper's case is presented in a video of about an hour. There are 12 stops on the journey.
The teacher can edit and choose the individual video's relevance to their students by reviewing the transcripts and setting up a 13-week course (of 39 hours) as follows:
Week 1
Getting set up, explaining the different teaching model where grades should be earned by the quality of the concepts, ideas, presentations and action (if appropriate) as the students respond to the new kind of directions.
Randomization is an important part of the model as the science requires it for a useful outcome and it mimics the workplace experience for the participants.
To begin, the class is divided at random (using numbers in a hat) into 4 or more small groups. Each group will be responsible for a presentation to the whole class of at least one of the episodes. The assignment to each group of their episode is done randomly at the end of each week.
The Knowledge content is divided for responsibility also at random where, at the end of each week, the group responsible for presentation of this topic is chosen at random.
By the tenth week or earlier, all the responsibilities have been distributed.
Week 2
At the beginning of Week 2 each group chooses a leader and a recorder. Their roles are described, and the outcome explained.
The following three questions are introduced.
The group as a whole will address the topic of teaching and presentation of their part of the assignment.
Each following week of 1 x 3 hours, the class watches the video in hour one, discusses the three questions first in their small group and then as a whole class. One group is selected at random to take responsibility for the presentation for the episode under discussion to the whole class. It is their task to present the keys ideas and lead the discussion that follows, thus teaching the material in the episode to their classmates.
Weeks 11, 12 and 13
The presentation of one or two episodes of the course by each group is organized by the teacher. So that the content is reviewed a second time by the students as they present their part of the wisdom episodes and manage the class discussions following their presentation.
The grades are determined by the quality of the groups' work. At the end of this exercise the teacher and group leaders meet to collate the presentations in a virtual format, thus providing a permanent record, a journal as it were, of their experience on the journey. At the end of the course, a number of students will stand out and they can be voluntarily engaged as teachers' assistants in the next course or in the younger grades, or in all manner of clubs and active projects that have emerged.
The Outcome
- The students have been exposed to extraordinary wisdom keepers whose presentation includes their extraordinary life legacy. Thus, the primary criteria for learning knowledge has been achieved.
- They have been engaged in learning to teach others the key concepts that are relevant to their community. The secondary level of active learning and critical thinking has also been accomplished.
- Most importantly, they have had tertiary-level experiences in solving complex problems in working together in teaching someone else what they have learned and in actively finding some actual solutions in which they have the opportunity to engage.
It should be noted this method includes training in all 6 competencies designed by the Council of Ministers of Education of Canada noted above.
It is expected this will be a rich and valuable model experience for the participants who will help to inform others in their community, in their own school, and in a global community of participants.
The school will have a new important resource, a teacher or teachers who have experienced this process and can inform others, as well as student leaders who can participate in the future presentation of this course.
A process of active learning that is adaptable to other topics has been introduced. Students can volunteer to teach others, start clubs and do acts of good work.
We would be surprised if they don't become the global citizens our common future so seriously and profoundly needs. The episodes of the Journey of Extraordinary Wisdom are included below.
Geraldine Schwartz Ph.D.