Dorothy Walsh

Dorothy is a passionate activist for social change in a peaceful way. She is the leader who has compassion for the people in her community
Dedham, MA
Dorothy Walsh
Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner (2020)
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Dorothy is a passionate activist for social change in a peaceful way.

She is the leader who has compassion for the people in her community.

Dorothy Walsh has a diverse professional background with a wide range of leadership skills. Her skill set includes Human Service Management, Staff Training and Supervision, Pastoral Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Outpatient Treatment Services, Public Speaking and Community Outreach, Peace Program Development and Implementation.

Her story below features some of her wonderful contributions:

Her work studying, teaching and practicing non-violence

Dot has spent her life studying, teaching and practicing non-violence.

She is a passionate activist for non-violent social change. She has applied this passion in a variety of circumstances including working for many years as a part of a chaplaincy team creating programs for Massachusetts prisons.

Emerging from these experiences Dot wrote a book:

“Finding Light in the Darkness - True stories based on 20 years working in the Criminal Justice Correctional System:”

Her path towards an understanding of violence led to a commitment to the practices of nonviolence. This commitment continues to unfold in her life. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “nonviolence cannot be preached, it has to be practiced”. Despite the great difficulty of attempting to make sense of the cruelty of violence and social injustice in its many forms, Dorothy has witnessed many moments of grace where her actions bore fruit. What she has learned with certainty is that each experience has brought her closer to her heart and the love she holds for all people.

Her work facilitating healing and transformation in others

Dorothy is the Cable Television Creator and Host of the program “Oneness and Wellness”, which discusses topics and techniques for finding emotional balance and well-being in today’s busy and turbulent world:

Dot has facilitated the healing of many people, in her words, by “blowing bubbles everywhere.”  The bubbles symbolize Dot's belief that a positive attitude can make the difference in the healing process. 

She shines these healing bubbles in all the work she does, including her work with the task force on drug and alcohol awareness in her community.

With a longing for deeper forms of service and to understand her place in the circle of life Dot serves as a hospice volunteer at a Home in Needham, MA.

Her next Creative Contribution Dot is currently working on a new book titled Walls based on a pivotal experience during a visit to a Museum in Washington D.C. The experience that so touched her occurred in front of an exhibit featuring a piece of the Berlin Wall. There the idea came to her: “I began to envision a book that would include many of the walls that I have visited in different countries and the emotional walls, the walls between people that destroy the fabric of our humanity.”

Walls is a way of acknowledging the human tragedy and the fall out that keeps us all prisoners in one way or another.

“Walls are built to keep you out

Walls are built to keep me in

Only when we find the truth

Will walls come down

And love then win”

- Dorothy Walsh