The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health
The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) is a grass roots-to-global movement created to inspire today’s 20 million+ nurses to become advocates for the ideals of public health so clearly articulated by Florence Nightingale during her lifetime, which were the forerunners of the UN Global Goals to end poverty and hunger in the world and to promote good health and well-being, education, gender equality, and other markers of good life for all peoples everywhere.
NIGH’s cornerstone is the:
Nightingale Declaration for a Healthy World
"We - the nurses and concerned citizens of the global community - hereby dedicate ourselves to achieve a healthy world.
We declare our willingness to unite in a program of action, to share information and solutions and improve health conditions for all humanity - locally, nationally and globally.
We further resolve to adopt personal practices and to implement public policies in our communities and nations - making this goal achievable and inevitable - beginning today in our own lives, in the lives of our nations and in the world at large."
NIGH’s founding directors have been recognized for their own outstanding Lifetime Achievements by the Visioneers International Network Web of Good Work.
Here they are:

The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health celebrates the magnificent lifetime achievements of a much-loved heroine of her own time, Florence Nightingale, whose legacy lives on in heroic proportions in our time.
For example, following her battlefield experience she drafted the position papers that led to the establishment of the International Red Cross, the League of Nations, and later the United Nations.
Nightingale envisioned what a healthy world might be and worked tirelessly to realize this vision. She is remembered as the philosophical founder of modern nursing and she is considered one of the most brilliant reformers in history for her stand on sanitation and medical and health care.
What a legacy!
Florence Nightingale has received the highest Visioneers Award of Heroine of Humanity, that crosses all ten other human activity corridors on the site, for the contributions in her own time and in ours.
The year 2020 has been declared the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife to honour and celebrate the bicentenary of her birth.
NIGH teams of nurses and their supporters are ramping up worldwide media outreach to strengthen the voices of nurses and concerned citizens worldwide through online global media to encourage wide participation in activities that underly their goals to build a better world for everyone by working together to achieve them.
One of these activities is a
Virtual Worldwide Meditation
May 12th, 2020
at Noon, your local time
A Virtual Global Moment to meditate from your heart
Since its founding in 2006, NIGH has grown through its focus on grassroots-to-global development. NIGH’s teams are reflecting the voices of nurses, midwives, students, teachers, and interdisciplinary groups of concerned citizens throughout the world – through online global outreach; keynote addresses, workshops, and related conference presentations: briefings, discussions and meetings: peer-reviewed journal articles, textbook chapters; - and from UN Headquarters in New York and the World Health Organization and other UN organizations in Geneva. For these endeavours, ‘NIGH World’ – based in Canada – was granted “Special Consultative Status” with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2018.
Across these same years, NIGH teams have travelled to address and participate in conferences and consultations in Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Qatar, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, and Zambia.
Serving as NIGH’s organizational headquarters, ‘NIGH World’ is a Non-Profit Organization (Canada Corporation #206121-0), based in Canada and Geneva, Switzerland, with our affiliated ‘NIGH USA’ – a charitable 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization (EIN: 201085630) based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
To find more information about NIGH see