Diane L Haworth

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Diane L Haworth is passionate about helping heart-centered leaders consistently live from their own inner Divine wisdom and “be the presence of love” for themselves, their family, their communities, and the world. She believes as each person strives to “be love,” humanity’s new story of a more respectful, compassionate, inclusive world built around loving collaborations will be a reality for all.

Diane is a Heart-Centered Success Coach, teacher, speaker, author, and founder of the Be Love Principles who combines traditional coaching techniques and brain science with deep spiritual teachings to help others enjoy a life of more love, peace, joy, and freedom.  In May 2018 she had a direct Divine experience where she received the Be Love Principles and is now passionate about speaking and teaching these principles globally.

Diane holds a B.S. in Mass Communications, an MBA, and worked for many years as a certified energy healer and instructor. She loves meditation and is a student of A Course in Miracles and the Enneagram. Her first book, “How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody” was published in 2014. Diane lives with husband Joe and Rory the cat in the beautiful foothills of the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains and is close to her adult children and beloved grandsons, Emory and Augie.