Tammy Scarlett is a global systems architect, strategist and futurist, and serves as Executive Director of the global non-profit UNIFY.org. With a graduate degree from Harvard University, she works on global efficiencies for humanity using interdisciplinary, cross-sector intelligences. Tammy believes in implementing systemic change with strategy, efficiency and abundance for the thriving of our future. Combining her Harvard education in Anthropology and MBA studies with her time spent with Native American and First Nations communities, Tammy promotes a return to ancient wisdom and nature to inform global systems solutions, including regenerative systems, integrative education for children, and accessible dynamic finance. Her work has been featured on WGN and Forbes, as well as published in the Library of Congress. Tammy currently serves on the executive advisory boards of Connective Consulting, Power of Women, and the World Upshift Movement, is on the executive advisory teams for the Holomovement and the Universal Peace Sanctuary, and is a collaborator with the World Academy of Art and Science for the United Nations' Human Security campaign.